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《Are you feeling bored?》PPT课件

《Are you feeling bored?》PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Are you feeling bored?》PPT课件《Are you feeling bored?》PPT课件

《Are you feeling bored?》PPT课件

Let’s  chant!

happy happy 哈哈哈

bored  bored 真无聊

angry  angry  哼哼哼 

sad     sad    呜呜呜 

Let's check!

You can  say as fast as you can!


... ... ...

Is he/she feeling……?

Yes, he/she is.

No , he/she isn’t

1.Is Lingling feeling bored?

No, she isn’t.

2.Is  Lingling feeling angry?

No, she isn’t.

3.Is Lingling feeling sad?

Yes, she is.

4.What’s the matter ?

Her grandma is ill in hospital.

... ... ...

Choose and write:

happy sad hungry angry bored

1,I’m feeling ______now, I’m laughing(笑).

2,Ms smart is feeling _____,because Sam and Amy are arguing.

3,I’m feeling ______now, I lost my dog.

4,I want to go out to play, but it’s raining,so I feel______.

5,I feel ______,I want to eat something.

... ... ...


用句型Are you feeling….?任意选择一种情绪来询问你的朋友,并把他们的回答写下来。

例如:Are you feeling happy?

Yes, I am.

Are you feeling angry?

No, I’m not.

关键词:《Are you feeling bored?》教学课件,外研版三起点五年级上册英语课件,五年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Are you feeling bored?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《Are you feeling bored?》PPT课件2:

《Are you feeling bored?》PPT课件2 Whats the matter? (1) Are you feeling sad? (2) Do you miss China? (3) Are you feeling bored? (4) Do you want to play chess? (5) Are you..


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