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《Natural Disasters》Listening and Talking PPT

《Natural Disasters》Listening and Talking PPT 详细介绍:

《Natural Disasters》Listening and Talking PPT《Natural Disasters》Listening and Talking PPT《Natural Disasters》Listening and Talking PPT

《Natural Disasters》Listening and Talking PPT


1.Translate the following words and phrases. 

①power n.  ____________________________

②tap vi.&vt.  ________________n.  _________________

③pipe n.  ________________  

④whistle vt.& vi.  ________________n.  _____________

⑤aid n.  ____________________vi.&vt.  ______________

⑥kit n.  ___________________

⑦on hand  ________________

⑧stay calm  ________________

⑨emergency supplies  ________________  

2.Brainstorming:When it comes to a disaster,we may think of Wenchuan Earthquake.Do you know what damage an earthquake will bring about?  

It is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust. 

Earthquakes may result in diseases,lack of basic necessities,loss of life,general property damage,road and bridge damage and sometimes landslides,fires,floods and even tsunamis. 

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Natural DisastersPPT,第二部分内容:语言知识积累





Stand up,please.=Please stand up.请起立。


Be careful!=Look out!=Take care!小心/当心!


Let’s go to school together.咱们一起上学去吧。 



Don’t let them play with fire.


(2)Let’s (let us)+not+动词原形

Let’s not say anything about it.对于这件事,咱们什么也别说。

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Natural DisastersPPT,第三部分内容:language focus

1.power n.电力供应;能量;力量;权力 powerful adj.强有力的

Go to an open space away from buildings,trees,or power lines.(教材P53)


[合作探究] 体会power的用法和意义

China is a country where the people are in power.中国是个人民掌权的国家。

It is reported that as soon as the new president comes to power,he will meet with a lot of problems.据报道,新总统一上台就会有很多问题(需要解决)。

With years’ hard practice,he now has the power to finish the action perfectly.


The difficult job is beyond my power.这工作太难了,我干不了。


①be in power 执政;掌权(状态)

②________________  上台;执政(动作)

③________________ to do sth  具有做某事的能力

④beyond/out of one’s power  某人力所不能及的


seize power夺取政权

turn off the power关掉电源

[巩固内化] 补全句子

①Since he ________________,he has been ____________ for almost five years.


②I’m afraid it’s ____________________ to help you.


2.calm adj.镇静的;沉着的;平静的 vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定

Stay calm.(教材P53)保持冷静。

[合作探究] 体会calm的用法和意义

Calm down!There is nothing to worry about.


She tried to calm them down but only to make matters worse.


Tina tried to ignore the danger,and did her best to keep calm.



①________________  平静下来

②________________  保持镇静

③________________  使某人平静/镇定下来








①She is a ____________ girl.She stood ___________ and kept ___________ when the teacher asked her some questions.But after a while she answered all the questions in a ____________ voice.


②He ______________________ before danger.How brave he is!


③After she ____________________,she sang better.


关键词:人教版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,Natural DisastersPPT下载,Listening and TalkingPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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