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《Shopping》ReadingPPT 详细介绍:




pink 粉红色的

hair clip 发夹,发卡

pretty 漂亮的,俊俏的

cost 值(多少钱)

cheap 便宜的

enough 足够的

... ... ...

《Shopping》PPT,第二部分内容:Look and match

1. just a minute   a. costing not much money

2. take a look     b. beautiful

3. cheap             c. present

4. gift               d. go well with

5. match           e. wait for a short time

6. pretty           f. have a look

... ... ...

《Shopping》PPT,第三部分内容:Read and judge

1. Amy wants to buy some basketball cards for Simon.

2. This year’s cards cost two yuan each. 

3. Amy buys last year’s cards.

4. Amy wants to buy hair clips for Sandy.

5. The hair clips match Sandy’s skirt. 

6. Amy has enough money for the hair clips.

... ... ...


A: Can I help you? / What can I do for you?

B: I’d like to ...

A: Just a minute. Take a look. ... match ...

B: How much ...?

A: It is ...

B: Oh, it is not cheap. I’ll take it.

Situation 1

You are in the clothes shop. The shopkeeper tells you the red dress is 100 yuan and it matches your shoes. You like it very much. Make a conversation about this.

Situation 2

Your classmate Daniel is often late for school.

You want to buy a clock for him. You give the shopkeeper 30 yuan.  Make a conversation about this.

Situation 3

You want to buy a new pair of shoes. The red pair looks very pretty, but they are 100 yuan. You don’t have enough money. Make a conversation about this.

... ... ...


1. Recite the two conversations.

2. Make a new conversation about shopping.


更多关于《 shopping 》PPT课件, 请点击 shoppingppt标签。

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