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《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT下载

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《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT下载《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT下载

《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT下载

第一部分内容:Think about it!

Do all the living things on the planet depend on one another.

What can we do for the nature?

Have you noticed this kind of relationships?

How to protect the nature?

Building natural reserve(自然保护区)

Planting trees

Change our bad habits and behaviors. 

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Connected to NaturePPT,第二部分内容:Listen and read.

The natural world is filled with living things. Living things start out weak and small and slowly grow strong and big. You are a living thing. Each of your classmates is a living thing. Flowers, grass and trees are living things, too. 

Bees, ants, doves, dogs and cats — these are all living things.

All living things need food and water to grow. Think about yourself. When you are hungry, you need to eat. You eat fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. They can help you grow big and strong. You drink water when you are thirsty. Now think about a tree. When a tree is hungry, it gets food from the soil. Trees drink water, too.  

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