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《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件

《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件

《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件

Let’s chant

What will you do this Sunday?

I’ll go swimming.

Cool, cool, cool!

What will you do this Sunday?

I’ll go shopping.

Great, great, great!

Free talk

What day is today?

What will you do this weekend?

... ... ...

Think and say

Would you like to take a trip this weekend?

Where shall we go?

I want to go to the park. How about you?

Look and say

School is out in two days. The teacher and her class are talking about their ideas about the trip.

What are they talking about?

... ... ...

Let’s learn

①School is out in two days.


③Would you like to take a trip?

④Certainly! Where shall we go?

⑤Any ideas?

⑥I want to go to the theme park.

⑦We want to go to a farm.

... ... ...




Read it by groups for one minute .


Learning tip :


... ... ...



—Where shall we go?

—We want to go to …


1. 跟读课文Just talk部分的录音,注意语音、语调。

2. 搜集适合小朋友旅游的场所,并将英文表达记录在本子上或做成英文手抄报。

3. 预习Lesson 32。

关键词:《Would you like to take a trip?》教学课件,人教精通版四年级下册英语PPT课件下载,四年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;

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《Would you like to take a trip?》MP3音频课件:

本课件属于人教精通版四年级下册英语unit6《Would you like to take a trip?》的教学素材MP3音频课件,课件贴合课文内容,可与本课PPT课件匹配,敬请下载! 关键词:《Would you like..

《Would you like to take a trip?》Flash动画课件8:

《Would you like to take a trip?》Flash动画课件8 本课件属于人教精通版四年级下册英语unit6《Would you like to take a trip?》的教学素材Flash动画课件,内容生动形象,敬请下载..

《Would you like to take a trip?》Flash动画课件7:

《Would you like to take a trip?》Flash动画课件7 本课件属于人教精通版四年级下册英语unit6《Would you like to take a trip?》的教学素材Flash动画课件,内容生动形象,敬请下载..


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