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《Information Technology》Lesson2 Apps PPT

《Information Technology》Lesson2 Apps PPT 详细介绍:

《Information Technology》Lesson2 Apps PPT《Information Technology》Lesson2 Apps PPT《Information Technology》Lesson2 Apps PPT《Information Technology》Lesson2 Apps PPT

《Information Technology》Lesson2 Apps PPT

第一部分内容:Period 1

Activity 1: Brainstorm

What apps do you often use?

What do you use them for?

Activity 2

Listen and find out

Why are apps so popular?

Activity 3

Listen and complete

Educational apps are becoming increasingly powerful. 

For example,some apps allow students to_____________________ according to their________________________________;

they also ensure that students can all ___________________________________even when ____________________________________.

Activity 4

Listen and find out

difficulties for developing an app

the latest technologies used in apps

Activity 5

Listen and draw a mind map

Give a talk on apps based on the mind map

... ... ...

Information Technology PPT,第二部分内容:Period 2


What can students do when they use educational apps?

What are the difficulties in developing an app?

What are the latest technologies used in apps?

Asking for & Offering help

Activity 1: Conversation 1

Listen and find

What help does Dad ask for?

He wants to know how to set up an account.

Key steps to solve Dad’s problem

First , __________________________________________

The last step is to  __________________

Activity 2: Conversation 2

Listen and find

What problem does Barbara have?

She hasn’t received her order.

Key steps Chris takes to help

First, ask her for ______________________________________

Enquire about the order______________________________

... ... ...

关键词:北师大版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,Information Technology PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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