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《A little monkey》Food and Restaurants PPT

《A little monkey》Food and Restaurants PPT 详细介绍:

《A little monkey》Food and Restaurants PPT《A little monkey》Food and Restaurants PPT《A little monkey》Food and Restaurants PPT

《A little monkey》Food and Restaurants PPT



1. 一个苹果多少钱?

How much is a apple?

2. 这两根铅笔多少钱?

How much are the two pencils?

3. 这些橘子多少钱?

How much are the oranges?


How much for …?

How much is/are …?

... ... ...

A little monkeyPPT,第二部分内容:Story time

Look at the pictures and discuss. 

What do you see in the picture ? 

What fruits does the monkey see? 

Does the monkey get the fruit? 

Who is hungry? 

What do they want to eat? 

What would the left monkey say? 

What’s the meaning of the sentence 

“I’ll get some fruit for you.”

... ... ...

A little monkeyPPT,第三部分内容:Let’s do it!


(    ) 1. There is a red flower on the monkey’s head.

(    ) 2. The monkey want to pick some peaches.

(    ) 3. The monkey want to pick some pears.

(    ) 4. The monkey played with a dog. 

... ... ...

A little monkeyPPT,第四部分内容:Summary

What do you learn from the story?

A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time.


So said,so done.


Act out the story.

... ... ...

A little monkeyPPT,第五部分内容:Homework

1、Read the story.熟读故事。

2、Tell the story to your parents.把今天学习的故事讲给你的父母。

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