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《I will remember our friendship forever》SectionB PPT

《I will remember our friendship forever》SectionB PPT 详细介绍:

《I will remember our friendship forever》SectionB PPT《I will remember our friendship forever》SectionB PPT《I will remember our friendship forever》SectionB PPT

《I will remember our friendship forever》SectionB PPT

第一部分内容:Let's talk!

What will you want to say in your graduation ceremony speech?

What are they saying?

Listen to 1a and tick the information you’ve heard.

1. the happy experiences in the school

2. the friendship among the classmates

3. the mistakes they’ve made and corrected

4. the progress they’ve made

5. the dreams for the future

6. the thanks to the teachers

... ... ...

《I will remember our friendship forever》PPT,第二部分内容:Listen to 1a again and mark T (True) or F (False). 


1. She recalled the three years when all the classmates lived together like a family and had a lot of fun.    (      ) 

2. She is sure their friendship will last forever and become more and more valuable as time goes by. (      )

3. Maria gave a speech on the English competition. (      )


1. He has many memories of the past three years which will not be forgotten. (        )

2. He won the Excellent Student Award in the school.  (        )

3. He expresses thanks to his teachers and classmates.  (        )

4. He thinks he has made much progress in the past three years.  (        )

... ... ...

《I will remember our friendship forever》PPT,第三部分内容:Key points

1.  as is known to all    众所周知

2.  bottom     n. 底,底部

3.  unforgettable   adj. 难以忘怀的,令人难忘的

4.  joy    n. 高兴,愉快

5. To my great joy, I won the Excellent Student Award in my class.

to one’s joy/surprise    使某人高兴/惊讶的是

eg:To my surprise, I got a ticket to the concert.

6. Everything comes to him who waits.  


7. There is no royal road to learning.  


... ... ...

《I will remember our friendship forever》PPT,第四部分内容:Written work

Write a speech for the graduation ceremony.

 要求: (1) 先列出提纲,再写正文。

(2) 文章中尽量运用已学或自己收集的谚语或俗语。如:

① Where there is a will, there is a way.

② It’s the thought that counts.

③ No pains, no gains.

(3) 词数: 60-80。 

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《I will remember our friendship forever》PPT,第五部分内容:Summary

1. as is known to all  众所周知

2. bottom   n. 底,底部

3. unforgettable   adj. 难以忘怀的,令人难忘的

4. joy   n. 高兴,愉快

5. to one’s joy/surprise   使某人高兴/惊讶的

6. Everything comes to him who waits. 功夫不负有心人。

7. There is no royal road to learning.  


... ... ...

《I will remember our friendship forever》PPT,第六部分内容:Homework

Search for more information about a graduation ceremony. 

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