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《Will you help me》PPT课件3

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《Will you help me》PPT课件3《Will you help me》PPT课件3

《Will you help me》PPT课件3

What will you do on your birthday next year(明年)?

Whose birthday is tomorrow?

What will the boy do?

He will make a paper fish for her.

Who will go to America?

Daming will go to America.

... ... ...

listen and circle.

1. Daming will visit his ________ .

A. uncle  B. brother  C. cousin 

2. The cousin’s name is _______.

A. Sam   B. Simon   C. New York

3. Daming will take a _______.

A. toy panda  B. cat   C. kite 

We’re going to have a picnic. What can I take?

What about…?

... ... ...

Simon is coming to China.

A.Hi, Simon. Welcome to China. I will help you. Will you go to Qingdao? It will be sunny.

B.Of course, I will. / No, I won’t. I will go to …

A.Will you take a camera?

B.Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. I will take …

A.Will you swim in the sea?

B.No, I won’t.  I can’t swim. I will take pictures.

A.Great! We will have a happy time.

关键词:《Will you help me》教学课件,外研版三起点五年级下册英语课件,五年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Will you help me》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《Will you help me》PPT课件5:

《Will you help me》PPT课件5 Chant Help me help me. Will you help me ? Yes yes yes. Yes I will. Help me help me. Will you help me ? No no no. No I wont. Listen to Part1 a..

《Will you help me》PPT课件4:

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《Will you help me》PPT课件2:

《Will you help me》PPT课件2 一般将来时:表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。 表将来时的时间状语:tomorrow(明天),next week(下周 );in t..


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