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首页 > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 牛津译林版英语四年级上册 > 《Our new home》课堂练习PPT

《Our new home》课堂练习PPT

《Our new home》课堂练习PPT 详细介绍:

《Our new home》课堂练习PPT《Our new home》课堂练习PPT《Our new home》课堂练习PPT

《Our new home》课堂练习PPT



1.is (复数)_____. 

2.my (复数)_____.

3.skirt (复数)_____. 

4.new (反义词)_____.

5.is (否定形式)_____. 

6.can (否定形式)_______.

7.box (复数)_____. 

8.sofa (复数)_____.



2.your cap _____ .

3.在客厅 _____. 

4.a hot dog _____.


6.fly my kite _______. 


8.ride my bike ______ .  


10.nice and clean______.


1.Would you like ________ ________  (一张桌子)?

2.I'd like a________ (冰箱).

3.Where is the ________ (厨房).

4.The toy car is under the________(沙发).

5.There is a mango near the________(闹钟).

... ... ...

Our new homePPT,第二部分内容:句型练习 


Ⅰ                                              Ⅱ 

(  ) 1.Where is my toy car?     A.No, I can't.

(  ) 2.What would you like?   B.It's in the living room.

(  ) 3.Is it in your bedroom?   C.I'd like a hot dog.

(  ) 4.Can you play basketball?    D.Yes, I do.

(  ) 5.Where are your pencils?     E.Yes, it is.

(  ) 6.Do you have any bananas?   F.They are in that box.


( ) 1.你想知道你的闹钟在哪里,你可以这样问: 

A. Where's my clock?

B. Where's your clock?

C. Is it your clock?

( ) 2.你想知道冰箱在哪里,你可以这样问妈妈: 

A. Mum, where are the sofas?  

B. Mum, where's the table? 

C. Mum, where's the fridge?

( ) 3.你想告诉别人李老师在客厅里,你可以这样说: 

A. Where's Miss Li?  

B. Is Miss Li in the living room?

C. Miss Li is in the living room.


1.you, an,  like,  apple,  would  ( ? )

Would you like an apple? 

2.are, toy,  where,  cars,  my  ( ? )

Where are my toy cars? 

3.is, Tom,  living room,  in, the  ( . )

Tom is in the living room. 

4.can, he, well, play, very, basketball  ( . )

He can play basketball very well. 

5.in, your, is, it, bedroom   ( ? )

Is it in your bedroom? 

... ... ...

Our new homePPT,第三部分内容:阅读理解练习 

十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) 。

This is my new home. It's very big and clean. We have three bedrooms, a living room, a study (书房), two bathrooms and a kitchen. In the bedrooms, you can see windows, doors, beds and chairs. In the living room, you can see a sofa and a TV. We often watch TV there. In the study, you can see a desk and a chair. Some books are on the desk. In the kitchen, you can see a white fridge. I like my new home.

(  ) 1..My home is small and clean.

(  ) 2.We have three bedrooms, a living room, a study, two bathrooms and a kitchen.

(  ) 3.Some books are on the sofa. 

(  ) 4.You can see a TV in the living room.

(  ) 5.You can see a red fridge in the kitchen.

关键词:牛津译林版四年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Our new homePPT下载,.PPT格式;

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《Our new home》PPT(第二课时):

《Our new home》PPT(第二课时) 第一部分内容:Introduce Wheres my white cap, Su Hai ? Is it in your bedroom ? No, it isnt. Is it in the living room? Yes, it is. Wheres ? Is..

《Our new home》PPT(第一课时):

《Our new home》PPT(第一课时) 第一部分内容:Introduce Mum, wheres my bag ? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts ? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres ..

《Our new home》基础知识PPT:

《Our new home》基础知识PPT 第一部分内容:重点单词 clock 钟 fridge 冰箱 sofa 沙发 table 桌子 bathroom 卫生间 bedroom 卧室 kitchen 厨房 living room 客厅 home 家 come 来 hu..


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