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《Do you have any cousins》PPT课件

《Do you have any cousins》PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Do you have any cousins》PPT课件《Do you have any cousins》PPT课件《Do you have any cousins》PPT课件《Do you have any cousins》PPT课件

《Do you have any cousins》PPT课件

第一部分内容:Ask and answer

How many people are there in your family?

Who are they?

There are … people in my family.

They are …

Look and read

Hello, I’m Jill. This is my family. There are eight people in my family. Look, they are my grandparents. They are my parents. They are my uncle and aunt. And this is my cousin. His name’s Dan. He’s Uncle  John’s son.

... ... ...

Do you have any uncles?

Yes, I have one uncle.

Yes, I have two/three/… uncles.

No, I don’t have any uncles.

Do you have any …?

Yes, I have ...

No, I don’t have any ...

... ... ...

《Do you have any cousins》PPT,第二部分内容:listen and say

1.Hello, I’m Jill. I have ____ _______ ________.

2.They’re my ________ and my _____________.

3.This is ____ ________.His name’s _____.He’s _____ ______ ____.

4.What about you? Do you _____ _____ ________?

... ... ...

《Do you have any cousins》PPT,第三部分内容:Homework

1.Listen to and read Student’s Book page 19 “Look and learn”.

2.Copy and recite the words in “Look and learn”.

3.Complete your family tree and introduce your family.

关键词:上海教育版四年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Do you have any cousins》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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《Do you have any cousins》PPT:

《Do you have any cousins》PPT 第一部分内容:Ask and answer About Jills family How many people are there in Jills family? There are eight people in Jills family. Whats Ji..


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